Indefinite Pronouns: Combinations of Prefix and Suffix

People Places Things
Every- Everyone
Everybody Everywhere Everything
Some- Someone
Somebody Somewhere Something
Any- Anyone
Anybody Anywhere Anything
No- No one
Nobody Nowhere Nothing


  1. I’ve travelled everywhere.
  2. She ate everything on her plate.
  3. You did nothing wrong.
  4. Can you ask someone/somebody at school?
  5. I need to find something.


  1. Everyone seeks happiness. (all)
  2. Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. (one non-specified person)
  3. Nobody can flight without a ticket. (zero people)


  1. Everywhere we go we see political ads.
  2. I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
  3. Anywhere you go, I will be there.